2024 Partnership


Ronald McDonald House Charities Wichita provides vital resources and compassionate care to children and their families being served by community health care providers

Your generous commitment to become a 2024 sponsor will make an impact on the lives of families with seriously ill and injured children. With nearly 4,897 people served annually, we provide warm beds, hot showers, laundry facilities, family-friendly kitchens, and playrooms - all of the basic essentials of home. The Ronald McDonald House provides families with more than just a place to rest, it provides a place where families can support each other and be close to their child when they are needed the most. Over the years, our mission has remained the same while the need for our services continues to grow. We look to the community and friends of Ronald McDonald House Charities Wichita to help maintain the services we provide to families.

In addition, the Ronald McDonald Family Room, located in the Wesley Children’s Hospital, provides families with a comfortable place to relax, food, personal care items and laundry facilities. By offering relaxation and respite to our families in the hospital, they can focus on helping their children get healthy.


38th Annual Benefit Golf Tournament
June 3rd at Crestview Country Club

Known as the most prestigious charity tournament in the region, this event helps raise over 15% of RMHC Wichita’s annual operating costs.

Golfers will enjoy the course, their player package, approximately $50,000 worth of prizes, delicious food, adult beverages on the course - bust most of all, making a difference in the live of sick children.

With the help of our incredible volunteers and donors, we were able to raise enough money at our 37th Annual Benefit Golf Tournament to support a family in the Ronald McDonald House for 1,870 nights!


Presenting Sponsor
Champion Sponsor
Birdie Sponsor
Concierge Sponsor
Course Sponsor
Beverage Sponsor
Lunch/Dinner Sponsor
Patio Celebration Sponsor
Hospitality Sponsor
Player Gift Sponsor
Premium Hole Sponsor
Putting Sponsor
Specialty Area Sponsor
Tee Box Sponsor
Beer Sponsor
Golf Cart Sponsor
Banner Sponsor
4-Person Sponsor


Depending on the Sponsorship level you will receive some form of exposure/ recognition. Some Sponsors will get full-color - signage at our Golf Tournament and will be highlighted on social media and the website. The bigger the Sponsorship the bigger the exposure!

Ronald McDonald House Charities Wichita has a huge following in the community, don't miss your chance to put your business name out there all while supporting a great cause and participating in our prestigious charity tournament.

Details on what is included in your sponsorship are below

For any other information please call Hayley Gribble at 316-867-2094 or hgribble@rmhcwichita.org

Presenting Sponsor - $20,000
160 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Included with sponsorship is a 4-person team, logo on 2 golf carts, large vinyl banner (donor provided), website, social media, event program, and slideshow. Complimentary Signage with logo at registration and banquet area. Recognition given on stage at announcements and banquet and company spokesman will be given an opportunity to speak.

Champion Sponsor (2 available) - $10,000
80 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Included with sponsorship is a 4-person team, logo on 2 golf carts, large vinyl banner (donor provided), website, social media, event program, and slideshow. Complimentary Signage with logo at registration and banquet area. Recognition given on stage at announcements and banquet.

Birdie Sponsor (5 available) - $5,500
44 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Included with sponsorship is a 4-person team, logo on 2 golf carts, large vinyl banner (donor provided), website, social media, event program, and slideshow. Complimentary yard sign with logo on course.

Concierge Sponsor - $5,500
44 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Included with sponsorship is a 4-person team, logo on 2 golf carts, large vinyl banner (donor provided), website, social media, event program, and slideshow. Complimentary signage with logo at Concierge Tent.

Course Sponsor - $5,500
44 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Included with sponsorship is a 4-person team, logo on 2 golf carts, large vinyl banner (donor provided), website, social media, event program, and slideshow. Complimentary pin flags with logo displayed at each hole.

Beverage Sponsor - $5,500
44 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Included with sponsorship is the company logo on 2 roving refreshment carts, website, social media, event program, and slideshow. Complimentary yard sign by all coolers on course. Included in this package is an opportunity for interaction with the golfers at the company's sponsored hole.

Lunch/Dinner Sponsor - $3,000
24 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Included with sponsorship is the company logo on 2 roving refreshment carts, website, social media, event program, and slideshow. Complimentary signage by food and in the banquet area.

Patio Celebration Sponsor - $3,000
24 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Included with sponsorship is the company logo on website, social media, event program, slideshow, and in centerpieces. Complimentary yard sign with logo displayed at patio.

Hospitality Sponsor - $3,000
24 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Included with sponsorship is the company logo on website, social media, large vinyl banner (donor provided) displayed at hospitality tent on course, event program, and slideshow. Included in this package is an opportunity for interaction with the golfers at the company's sponsored hole.

Player Gift Sponsor - $2,500
20 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Included with sponsorship is the company logo on website, social media, event program, and slideshow. Complimentary signage with logo displayed on player gift table.

Premium Hole Sponsor (4 available) - $2,000
16 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Included with sponsorship is the company logo on website, social media, event program, and slideshow. Complimentary yard sign with logo displayed at hole of sponsor’s choice. Included in this package is an opportunity for interaction with the golfers at the company's sponsored hole.

Putting Sponsor - $1,500
12 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Included with sponsorship is the company logo on the website, event program, and slideshow. Complimentary yard sign with logo displayed at Putting Green during the tournament.

Specialty Area Sponsor (2 available) - $1,500
12 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonaldHouse

Included with sponsorship is the company logo on the website, event program, and slideshow. Complimentary yard sign with logo displayed at Specialty Area of sponsor’s choice.

Tee box Sponsor (9 available) - $1,000
8 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Included with sponsorship is the company logo on the website, event program, and slideshow. Complimentary yard sign with logo displayed at hole of sponsor’s choice.

Golf Cart Sponsor (9 available) - $800
6 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Included with sponsorship is the company logo on the event program and slideshow. Complimentary full-color vinyl stickers with logo displayed on 4 golf carts.

Beer Sponsor - $1,000
8 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Included with sponsorship is the company logo on the event program and slideshow. Complimentary yard sign with logo displayed on course.

Banner Sponsor (60 available) - $500
4 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Included with sponsorship is the company logo on the event program and slideshow. Complimentary yard sign with logo displayed on course.

4- Person Team (26 available) - $2,400
19 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Included with sponsorship is a 4-person team with team name listed on banquet slideshow.

For more information regarding Sponsorships or Team Registration please contact Hayley Gribble at (316) 269-4182 or hgribble@rmhcwichita.org

The mission of RMHC Wichita is to provide vital resources and compassionate care to children and their families being served by community health care providers.

Rock with Doc
Oct 17th at the B-29 Doc Hangar,
Education & Visitors Center

(Date is subject to change)

This grand cocktail party offers guests an elaborate silent and live auction, tasty food, live music, delicious drinks and an inspiring program.

This is the premier event of the season, and your $125 ticket contributes to the cost of a family’s 1-night stay at our Ronald McDonald House

With the help of our incredible volunteers and donors, we were able to raise enough money at our Rock with Doc event in 2023 to support a family in the Ronald McDonald House for 2,405 nights!


Presenting Sponsor
Silent Auction Sponsor
Entertainment Sponsor
Video Sponsor
Decor Sponsor
Mission Destination Sponsor
Sweet Treat Sponsor
Signature Drink Sponsor
Event Registration Sponsor
Table Sponsor
Photo Sponsor
Host Sponsor
A General Ticket


Depending on Sponsorship level you will receive some form of exposure/ recognition. Some Sponsors will get full color - signage at our Golf Tournament and will be highlighted on social media and on the website. The bigger the Sponsorship the bigger the exposure!

Ronald McDonald House Charities Wichita has a huge following in the community, don't miss your chance to put your business name out there all while supporting a great cause and participating in our charity gala fundraising event!

Details on what is included in your sponsorship are below

For and other information please call Hayley Gribble at 316-867-2094 or hgribble@rmhcwichita.org

Flight Deck - Presenting Sponsor- $20,000
160 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Sponsorship includes 5 reserved tables (50 tickets), company logo on all media and printings for event, website, social media, event program, and slideshow. Recognition given on stage and company spokesman will be given an opportunity to speak.

Wheel's Up - Silent Auction Sponsor- $15,000
120 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Sponsorship includes 3 reserved tables (30 tickets), company logo on website, social media, event program, and slideshow. Recognition given on stage and a complimentary sign with logo on Silent Auction table.

Ground-Stop - Entertainment Sponsor- $10,000
80 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Sponsorship includes 2 reserved tables (20 tickets), company logo on website, registration page, social media, invite, event program, and slideshow.

Flyin' High - Video Sponsor- $5,000
40 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Sponsorship includes 1 reserved table (10 tickets), company logo on website, social media, invite, event program, and slideshow.

hub-and-Spoke - Decor Sponsor- $5,000
40 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Sponsorship includes 1 reserved table (10 tickets), company logo on website, social media, invite, event program, and slideshow.

Mission Destination Sponsor- $5,000
40 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Sponsorship includes 1 reserved table (10 tickets), company logo on website, registration page, social media, invite, event program, and slideshow.

Slam-Clicker - Sweet Treat Sponsor- $3,000
24 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Sponsorship includes 4 tickets, company logo on website, social media, invite, event program, and slideshow. Complimentary signage with logo at dessert table.

Outstation - Signature Drink Sponsor- $3,000
24 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Sponsorship includes 4 tickets, company logo on website and on signage located at the signature drink station.

Baseline - Event Registration Sponsor- $3,000
24 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Sponsorship includes 4 tickets, company logo on website, and signage located at the registration table.

A Landing Place - Table Sponsor (25)- $2,000
16 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Sponsorship includes 1 reserved table (10 tickets) and company logo on website and event program.

Holding Pattern - Photo Sponsor - $1,000
8 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Sponsorship includes family name or company logo on the website and on signage at the photo area.

B-29 Pilot - Host Sponsor - $1,000
8 Nights provided for families to stay at our Ronald McDonald House

Sponsorship includes 4 tickets and family name or company logo on website.

Boarding Pass - A General Ticket- $150
1 Night provided for a family to stay at our Ronald McDonald House
Purchase a $125 ticket that will provide temporary housing, amenities and
support for families who have a sick or injured child needing medical care.

For more information regarding Sponsorships or Team Registration please contact Hayley Gribble at (316) 269-4182 or hgribble@rmhcwichita.org

The mission of RMHC Wichita is to provide vital resources and compassionate care to children and their families being served by community health care providers.

Additional Partnership Options

"We had such a warm welcome. It's so cozy. We can grab a cup of coffee and head to the hospital. Then come back late and there was something to eat."
- Frank and Susanne stayed 1 month at the Ronald McDonald House





Hospitality Cart Program Sponsor

Primary sponsor of Hospitality Cart Program. Hospitality Cart is taken to all pediatric units daily.


Company name on Cart for the entire year of 2024 & recognition on social media.

Pull Tab Sponsor

Presenting Sponsor for RMHC's Pull Tab Collection Day.


Company name on event signage & website.

Sponsor a week of meals

Sponsor a week of meals for our families.


Company name listed as sponsor on signage in house & option to come participate in preparing meals.

Sponsor a
night's stay

Provide a night's stay for a family.


Recognition on website.

Thank you