3rd Party Fundraisers

Give the gift of togetherness with family and friends

Types of 3rd-Party Fundraisers

There are two kinds of 3rd-party fundraisers:

1. A group or individual can host an event or sponsor an activity and make Ronald McDonald House Charities Wichita the beneficiary.

(Example: An organization hosts a golf tournament and gives RMHC Wichita a check for the net profits.)

2. RMHC Wichita can "piggy back" on an existing event, adding a 3rd-party fundraising element, and receive the income produced from that element.

(Example: A city has a walkathon and the sponsor offers participants the opportunity to get pledges for RMHC Wichita.)

Fundraising Guidelines

RMHC Wichita has a set of guidelines that we ask all individual and organizations to follow when fundraising on behalf of Ronald McDonald House Charities Wichita. * We ask that you do not organize a 3rd-party fundraiser that includes lotteries, gambling, fortune telling, and raffles/drawings without first discussing it with our Marketing and Fundraising Director.

* Any 3rd-party event that requires any type of license or proof of insurance should first be discussed with and approved by our Marketing and Fundraising Director. RMHC Wichita cannot solicit money for a 3rd-party event and have checks made payable to the 3rd-party. Checks must be made payable to RMHC Wichita (and be added to the proceeds received after the event) or we cannot be involved in the solicitation.

* The 3rd-party event fundraising activity should be one that does not conflict with the cause, mission and values of RMHC Wichita.

*RMHC Wichita requires accurate use of its name and logo in all promotional materials. All materials shall be approved by the Marketing and Fundraising Director prior to distribution.

* A 3rd-party fundraiser should not conflict with an existing and/or standard RMHC Wichita event.

* RMHC Wichita does not insure any 3rd-party event or fundraiser.

Procedure and Special Event Agreement Form

Please download the RMHC Wichita Special Event Agreement Form below, fill it out and return it to us BEFORE your event. Contact Courtney Burnett to set up an appointment and/or to discuss your event. 316-269-4182

Ideas for 3rd-Party Fundraising Events

These are some ideas for fundraising activities and events that your group or organization can hold on behalf of RMHC Wichita:

• Jeans Day: Pay money to wear jeans to work

• Concession Stands at Little League games

• Loose Change: collect the loose change in your pockets and purses and donate it.

• Softball/Golf/Croquet/Miniature golf Tournament

• Parents Night Out/Christmas Shopping for parents: Charge parents for babysitting

• Car Wash

• Letter Writing: Write letters to everyone on your Christmas card list, asking them to make a donation to RMHC Wichita.

• Book Sale: have a used book sale

• Bake Sales

• Yard Sales: Have a neighborhood-wide sale

• House Cleaning

• Gift Wrapping: Set up a Christmas package wrapping station at a mall for donations

• Ice Cream Festival

• Lemonade Stand

• Candy Gumball Machine: Put this in your office for everyone to purchase

• Corporate Gifting: Send a holiday card informing your customers/vendors that you have made a donation to RMHC Wichita in their name.

• Bike/Trike/Roller Blade/Scooter-A-Thon

• Heart and Home Tour: Sell tickets to a Home tour - complete with dessert at the last house!